Tucker County is home to unrivaled waterfalls — from the iconic Blackwater Falls and nearby Elakala Falls to under-the-radar treasures like Douglas Falls. Discover cascading beauty along the Allegheny Highlands Rail Trail or explore Red Creek’s dreamy swimming holes and peaceful waterfalls at Dolly Sods Wilderness. For true waterfall enthusiasts, take on the statewide West Virginia Waterfall Trail.

Chasin’ Waterfalls in Tucker County

Dolly Sods Wilderness begins as a high plateau at an elevation of 4,200 feet. Eventaully all that water makes it’s way to the Red Creek Canyon, descending 1,500 feet in elevation over lust a few miles. Waterfalls drain from tributaries all along 6.4 miles of Red Creek Trail. Red Creek itself has spectacular waterfalls along miles of desolate wilderness.
Pictured: Stair Step Falls of Red Creek

Blackwater Falls State Park is easily the most photographed waterfall location in the State of West Virginia. Crashing almost 60 feet to the water below, Blackwater Falls is easily accessible thanks to its boardwalk. Elakala Falls sits next to the Blackwater Falls State Park Lodge. Though you would hardly know it was there due to the dense Hemlock forest.
Pictured: Blackwater falls

Douglas Falls is an earshot away from the town of Thomas, WV. Access is gained by driving down Rail Falls Rd in Coakton or taking the Allegheny Highlands Rail Trail from Thomas to the town of Douglas. The falls itself is located by the USFS rail trail entrance gate. Approximatly 2.5 miles from Thomas.
Pictured: Douglas Falls