Timberline Mountain Capital Improvements Announced
March 26, 2020When Perfect North Slopes purchased Timberline Four Seasons Resort from bankruptcy on November 22, 2019 a great relief was felt over Canaan Valley and the surrounding area. Rumors ran amuck about who, if anyone, would take control of the Timberline property. Would it even continue to be run as a ski resort?
Low and behold, a company out of Lawrenceburg, Indiana called Perfect North, Inc. would be the bankruptcy winner with a bid of 2.2 million dollars. As word spread like wildfire and if flames could talk, those flames were saying; “there is skiing in Indiana?”, “Perfect who?”. All of a sudden West Virginia ski enthusiasts were acting like snobby Coloradans who only know Aspen. This lasted for a few days, then learned there could not have been a more perfect match than with Perfect North Slopes, Inc. FYI…this perfect pun is going to be hard to resist!

Starting in early December 2019, management from Indiana has had boots on the ground and a game plan in place right off the bat. Boonie and Tom will be the general manager and mountain operations manager. I don’t have their last names yet, but their experience and qualifications are equal to any of the best ski operations in the country. Jonathan Davis is the assistant GM of all Perfect North, Inc., and will also oversee the West Virginia Operations. Chip Perfect is the GM, and owner of Perfect North, Inc., which was started by his father in 1980.
First things first. A name change. Despite a rough final couple of years under previous ownership, the mountain still retains a reputation as the best skiers’ mountain south of New York. Thus, Timberline Mountain has been established and is the new kid on the block. This kid is perfect. Organized, motivated, and professional.

Today, March 26th, 2020 the announcement of 10 million dollars in capital improvements has been made and will be in place for the 2020/2021 ski season at Timberline Mountain. A week ago I made my way to the resort to meet Boonie and Tom before heading up the mountain for some updated pictures. To my amazement all three chair lifts are gone. Even the bunny! Perfect North and Timberline Mountain are not messing around.
Where the Silver Queen lift once occupied, a magic carpet, or conveyor carpet lift like you find at the airport, will be constructed. Beginner ski and snowboard lessons have always taken place in this zone. Their learning experience just got ten times better.
Can you imagine how good the skiing on White Lightening will be with no chair lift towers? It’s going to be beyond perfect!

Bull wheel to the old Silver Queen lift
The most anticipated question is what is going to replace the Thunder Draft Triple Chair. Here it is folks… A brand new Doppelmayr High Speed 6-passenger lift is coming and will be the first of its kind in West Virginia. The best part is there will be no more mid-station!

In order to solve the mid station and beginner lift access a second chair lift has been purchased from Doppelmayr. A four person, fixed grip chair will be resituated from the base mid-way up the mountain. The landing will most likely be where Dew Drop and Almost Heaven meet near the original mid-station. Here’s a mock up of how the lifts will be situated.

Snowmaking will see a major overhaul as well. Ten completely refurbished SMI fan guns have already arrived and are ready for installation. Along with new snowmaking, two snow cats will be purchased. Details to come.

The lodge stays with interior improvements underway. Outdoor improvements to the deck area will also take place. Many other upgrades take priority at this time. Plus, the look is quite iconic and fosters many great memories.
Talk about wiping the slate clean. The view of Canaan Valley from the patrol shack will forever be changed. Stay tuned as the summer and Timberline Mountain progress.