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National Train A Teacher Day

Canaan Resort

FREE Training for teachers (homeschoolers count!), school staff, administrators, churches, youth leaders, 4-H leaders, scout leaders, and all who work with children. Mama Bear Protection is educating and empowering those... View Article


Beaver Walk

Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge 6263 Appalachian Hwy, Davis

Beavers! What role do they play in the environment? What impact do they have on the areas they live? Come and learn more about North America's largest rodent on this... View Article

Film Premiere – “All Over the Map: Canaan Valley”

Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge 6263 Appalachian Hwy, Davis

"All Over the Map: Canaan Valley" is a short film that connects families with nature and showcases the many ways you can enjoy Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge! Award-winning filmmaker... View Article

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