Tucker County is home to one of the most diverse and active arts communities in the region. The towns together boast several art galleries, open door studios, venues which host live music, numerous businesses that actively show local art, and a rotating exhibition at the courthouse in the county seat. There’s also an arts festival – ArtSpring, a film festival – Plum Tuckered Film Festival, and an acclaimed music festival – Pickin’ in Parsons.
The unique natural beauty of the area has long been an attraction to artists wishing to draw inspiration from this diverse, pristine area. At the same time, many contemporary and non-traditional artists are drawn to the area for its creative community, producing pieces one would expect to find in an urban setting. The diversity of resident artists yields an unexpected and impressive show of work spread across the area. Wandering through the shops, restaurants galleries, and studios, it’s clear to see how the arts are an integral part of the identity of Tucker County.